

Amoris Vulnis Idem Sanat Qui Facit ❣ The Wounds Of Love Are Cured By Love Itself

It’s wonderful that the cycle has come around again where WOMEN have woken up to their real problems in the world by organizing a global movement about it, during the era of President Trump, BUT how real is it & can it sustain itself? The reason why I’m skeptical is because I know women. The only ones that aren’t complaining are the ones who benefit from a Sporting Lifestyle. Many of them get ahead by throwing themselves on men. You could be a damaged goods, under-educated, no skills, druggie girl that hangs out in places & pick up a guy with money & end up doing better in life servicing him as a Floozy, side-chick, girlfriend, or wife, than the female who lived her life being “proper” “lady-like” a “good girl” that did all the right things, but yet her society fails to reward her with the right sociological status & accoutrements she deserves. So what’s the real problem here? Is it realistic to expect a little woman’s movement to some how GROW & change millennia’s of historic sexism when THEY went along with it in the first place? I’m a woman, so I’ve seen what REALLY goes on. Yes, there are victims of live sexual assault & their cases deserve professional handling, but I’m talking about the majority of things that society grooms & allows. How are you going to change that without compromising the OTHER RIGHTS a woman should have. Do you really want to go back to the olden ways where you were taught your place for your own good because back then, those people would look at these womens’ cases and laugh at her. You voluntarily went into a man’s abode ignoring obvious signs of his intent from being around him amongst people. How could you not know? If you are working amongst men or in some social setting with them, you can tell if they like you or desire you by their behavior. The cues are there. Men are easy to read, even the ones pretending they don’t like you. Many of them are lecherous. Men can also tell if a woman wants him too. So you may have to go back to religious dressing, stay in your house, need a man’s permission for something, go through the proper courtship methods, & so forth for respect & isn’t this something women fought to be where we are today. Why digress? All a sexist law-maker needs to do is to start rolling-back your rights because he is so concerned about your chastity to protect you from your own stupidity. Why are you out in public amongst men? What are you doing? If there wasn’t some immorality in you in the first place, you wouldn’t have enticed that man? This is old-school sexist logic. Many of these women’ cases I’m hearing on TV wouldn’t stand up in court, so the safest place to say it, is out here in the public where it can take off. Why not ruin someone’s job & life prospects in general. You don’t need to prove anything. And I commend some of the men being targeted, for fighting back the false allegations. For the cases that ARE legitimate, more power to you women, because a judicial court system doesn’t always work in your favor & getting the truth out there in the court of public opinion, is the best option.**

The alternative argument is for the women who benefit from being trashy. They live a lucrative sex-filled lifestyle dating & playing men. There was a time when it was common knowledge to only bother those women. When you are a guy bringing your sexually wayward, mentally-ill self to a Lady, Noble Woman, Woman of Respect, or anyone of the like, you needed a good ass-kicking. Today’s men doing that are STUPID. That’s why they got in trouble & I don’t feel sorry for them. Women are not objects. They lacked the finesse, charm, & skill set to obtain the right female. That’s why even the women of ‘ill-repute’ themselves treat them like SHIT because they are connoisseurs of men to tell a good one. You aren’t hearing certain mens’ names getting targeted by the Feminist Witch Hunt because they obviously have a good rapport with the women they mess with & they obviously possess the Lady’s Man Gentleman Persona so even if the relationship ends, the woman doesn’t feel she needs to lash out & tear up his life. We’ll see how long this Women’s rally of movements last, because there is a mistrust & divide amongst women anyway. If I were to go to a woman in charge of something to obtain a proper job, service, favor to something I’m qualified for & entitled to, I would be given a hard time, but if I turned to a man, it would be easier for me to gain. Women are petty & jealous. Men are more practical. I’m not trying to see a bunch of Bitches all of a sudden controlling the industries world-wide, because that would be a Tyranny. Many of them are incompetent & stupid. Being a wise female, regularly dealing with treachery from other females, I have to look at men & their rights too, especially being amongst women & their vileness. Did you know that many of these criminal cases involve women simply marrying men to get their life insurance & they end up killing them to claim it? You know you don’t like the guy, but he pays your way through life because he’s so obsessed with you, but you fail to reciprocate. You know some guy wants your pussy, but you are repulsed by him, yet you still walk by or hang out there in close proximity. How is he suppose to interpret that? You feel uncomfortable on the date, you don’t trust the guy, yet you go back. You know you’re just using this guy, it won’t go any further, yet you are surprised when he gets mad for being played by you. You sense the infidelity, yet you pretend it isn’t happening & you stay. YOU’RE THE WOMAN, you’re in control. YOU go as far as YOU want to. Stop leaving the responsibility to them.

Lhisa Mrklon